Sunday, March 15, 2009

Why I Follow Jesus Part 2

Three more reasons I admire and follow Jesus;

4. He is a great leader - his leaderhsip principles are still shaping how people lead today. He took 12 very unlikely people with little leadership potential and forged them into a group of leaders that impacted the known world! His principles included; to be great learn to serve, don't lead for the 'perks' ... lead to empower and release people to do great things.

5. He is inclusive. He recruited and welcomed a great variety of people (not just people like himself). He excluded no one who was interested in following. He actively pursued 'unlikely' people. The hallmark of the church should be the great diversity of the people who gather and their delight in the diversity!

6. He is a great question asker. He asked questions that made people think and evaluate. His questions stimulated interest and insight. He never felt the need to defend, or inform, or straighten out - so he was free to ask questions to make people think.

So - which of these characteristics do you most admire?

How will these traits manifest in the church?

Monday, March 02, 2009

Why I Follow Jesus

Do we follow Jesus just because he is the way to forgiveness for sins and a ticket to heaven?
Do we really know him well enough to admire him - to consider him our hero?
Here are three characteristics of Jesus that I deeply admire, and make we want to follow him so I can become like him.
1. He is NOT religious. He did not come to start a religion. He exposed it as a sham and a burden.
2. He is authentic (real, genuine) - he is the same with everyone. He doesn't put up a 'mask' or facade - he is comfortable with who he is.
3. He gives dignity to all people regardless of gender, lifestyles, socio-economic positions, politics, etc.

What do you think?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Who's There?

Why is it that when most people are invited to a church, they expect to meet the 'older brother' (from the Prodigal story - Luke 15:11-32) and not the Father?

In most churches we highly regard and reward 'older brother behavior! (The one who keeps the rules and works hard in the church programs.) We value these sort of people. We want them. Even if they can be somewhat judgmental and hard on people who don't 'measure up' to the rules and standards. We think they are examples of what is most important to God - good behavior and hard work. The result is that we have churches full of 'older brothers.'

But this story clearly shows us that our 'job' as a church is to be like the Father - quick to embrace anyone who shows any interest in coming 'home' - even if it is for the wrong reasons. And then quickly reinstating them with all rights and privileges - without a 'probationary' period. Thus we need to reward relationship builders, welcomers, and those who rush to embrace sinners.

Let's talk about this .... what do you think?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where's the beef?

I haven't written here for a long while. I'm not sure if there is any value in keeping this blog going - there doesn't seem to be many who are really interested in it. But then again, I do enjoy writing in it ... and it helps reinforce (in my heart) the things I think are important about living well.

So for today - "Where's the beef?"

A commercial some years ago had an elderly lady complaining that there wasn't enough meat in her burger .. and wanted to know where the beef was?

What's my point? Where is the real meat in the Bible?

I am coming to believe that the gospels are the real meat of the Bible. The most important part. I know some people don't like Bibles with Jesus words in 'red' ... claiming that all the word is inspired not just Jesus words. But, the reality is, we don't give equal weight to all the 'words' of the Word. I sure haven't heard many sermons or books written on Matthew 1:11, or Galatians 6:11. We simply don't think of these Words as having equal weight or value as Matthew 6:33 or Galatians 6:9. So the reality is, some words of the Word are more powerful and important than others.

So then, I propose, the most important words of all are the words of Jesus. (As the Father says in Mark 9:7, "listen to him (Jesus)." Jesus himself said (Matt 28:20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commandments I have given you.)

My point is this. If Jesus words are of such high importance. If all others words should be measured and evaluated by his words, then we should give a great amount of weight to his words. His words should be our passion, and focus, and where we spend the most of our time in the word. We need to know what he said.

Jesus words are the 'beef' the meat, the substance of the Word. Too often we have tought of Jesus words as the milk (stuff for new believers) and the epistles as the meat. I am coming to believe that Jesus words are the real meat. The epistles are really just commentaries and stories of what it looks like when people take his words seriously and live them out.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

MASH Principle

In one of my favorite episodes, Father Mucahey is frustrated about how little affirmation he was getting, and is working hard to impress people. He is so focused on his efforts that he misses opportunities to minister to people around him. He has an 'aha' moment and shares it with his Sunday hearers in this way - he says 'we are not here for our benefit, to be patted on the back and told how well we are doing, but we are here so He can be here.'

What a profound insight! The whole point of the incarnation - Jesus was here so God could be here in the flesh. We are in our neighborhood, workplace, shcool, club etc. so Jesus can be there. That perspective suddenly brings my purpose into clear focus. I am an 'understudy' for Jesus - I take his part, play his role, and do his work. Same script - same part - same 'performance.'

So, how are we doing at being 'stand in's' for Jesus?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Matthew 7:1-2 (Amplified Bible) Do not judge and criticize and condemn others ... for just as you judge and criticize and condemn others you WILL be judged and criticized and condemned., and in accordance with the measure you deal out to others it will be dealt out again to you.

Could this be true? If so, God help us all! No wonder the world is so harsh and condemning of the church! We are only getting back what we have dished out! The church has been so judgemental, critical, harsh, and condemnatory toward the world .... ranting and raving about sinful lifestyles and practices. We MUST stop judging. Jesus never gave us this authority or responsibility or even permission to judge, condemn and pass sentence on the world.

In fact, if Jesus were to join a group in 'judging', he would join with the worlds 'judgement' of the church (religious crowd), just like he did in his day!

It is time for us to stop condemning, prosecuting, judging , and passing sentence on the people in the world. We (the church) need to start repenting for ursurping God's job! It's time for us to start focucing on being gracious, and loving and welcoming ... i.e. like Jesus.

By being harshly judgemental, we have handed the world a very big stick with which to beat up on the church. I'd sure rather that the only 'measuring device' the world had to use against the church was one of love and grace and mercy.

What do you think?

Friday, January 04, 2008

Keeping the passion alive

For many Christians the initial passion for kingdom living eventually dies down (sometimes even goes out.) Why?

I believe that the central issue is that we forget that it is Jesus who 'ignites the kingdom fire within us, a fire within us, the Holy Spirit within us' (Matthew 3:11 The Message). We come to believe that our Christian life will be sustained by conforming to the churches programs, by attending, and serving, and trying hard to act like a Christian is supposed to behave. And we end up frustrated, weary, discouraged, burnt out, and full of doubt. Because we have forgotten the source of our 'life' and passion and fire - Jesus.

If I want to stay spiritually alive and passsionate - I must keep encountering Jesus regularly and stay connected to him. That is the ONE thing necessary (Mary at Jesus feet! Luke 10:42) - our encounter and close connection to Jesus. No matter what else is going on!

As a church leader, my greatest work (and most productive work) is to keep people encountering and connected to Jesus - he is the source of life, change, passion, and power - not me, not the 'church' not the programs, sermons, worship, or ministries. Jesus - the great igniter!